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‘CASPR-Pro Network’ Membership


CASPR- Pro Network is a large community of highly aspiring professionals & thought leaders from all walks of life and is designed to provide better learning and career opportunities for everyone by coming together. Here you'd find best of the minds in the business and frontiers who shape up the policy discourse. You'd get an opportunity to synchronise your work & skills with that of the industry demands and shape them up with ever-changing trends. 

Membership for the Centre for Advanced Studies in Policy Research (CASPR) is open to any individual or organization. The Membership is governed by the Bye-laws of CASPR. Any person or organization who desires to become a member of the society may submit their application online or by filling up below given form and payment of requisite Membership Fees. Membership opportunities to remain limited. 


‘CASPR-Pro Network’ Membership Benefits

  1. Every member can be eligible to avail up to 50% fee waivers for various programs organised by CASPR.

  2. Every member will be entitled to use the ‘CASPR-Pro Network’ membership titles by placing it after his/her name stated under his/her grade or membership. Eg. Mr. XYZ, Life Member, CASPR-Pro Network

  3. Every member shall have free access to corporate summits/events organised by CASPR and get connected to top leaders and peers from the industry to enhance their career opportunities

  4. Every member shall be entitled to take part in the annual conference organised by the CASPR without any registration fees.

  5. Every member will be entitled to attend webinars, discussions, events and other such programmes, which are organized by CASPR from time to time.

  6. Every member shall be entitled to have e-certificate for the academic webinars organised by CASPR on request.

  7. Every member shall receive information regarding various programs and initiatives of CASPR.

  8. Every member will be entitled (free of charge) to e-copy of research journal ‘Journal of Economic Policy Analysis’ monthly e-newsletter.

  9. CASPR-Pro Network provides an opportunity to be part of a large professional network to attain career development through knowledge sharing.


Membership Application Process

Individuals and institutions desirous to become a member may express their interest by submitting the membership application form mentioned below and follow the procedures outlined here to complete the application process.


A. Membership Application Form

Membership Application Form

Thanks for submitting the form.

We will get back to you with payment info.

B. Membership Categories and Fees:

With effect from May 03, 2020, the membership fees are as follows:


      Individual Membership

Institutional Membership

(This Membership is offered to institutions, organizations etc.)

C. Payment of Membership Fees:

The membership fee is payable by NEFT or by cheque/demand draft in favour of ‘Centre for Advanced Studies in Policy Research India Foundation’’ to the CASPR bank account as given below.


Account Name:                              Centre for Advanced Studies in Policy Research India Foundation

Name of the Bank:                    HDFC Bank     
Bank Address:                          Chakan, Pune     
Account Number (Savings A/C): 50100032553740     
IFSC Code:                              HDFC0000746 


D. Code of conduct for Members

  • Any person, admitted to any grade of membership, will be liable to follow the professional and ethical practice in their field of works.

  • Every person, admitted to any grade of membership, will be liable to pay the appropriate annual subscription, until he/she has communicated in writing to CASPR Office his/her desire to resign, having previously paid all the arrears including the current year’s subscription.

  • If any member fails to pay the subscription in arrears for one year and will fail to pay such arrears within three months after a notice has been sent to him/her by the CASPR Office, his/her name will be removed from the list of members.

  • CASPR Council will have the right to expel from the association, any member who shall have, in the opinion of the council, wilfully acted in contravention of the Memorandum of Association. Rules and regulations or the Bye-laws, or who in the opinion of the Council, shall have been guilty to such conduct as shall render him/her unfit to remain a member of the Association. The reason for such expulsion would be recorded in the Council’s minutes of meeting through an appropriate decision in favour of the expulsion, which shall be passed by three-fourth majority of the voting members present. 

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